Saturday, February 25, 2012

Last Scraptastic Club challenge and a Sketch Inspiration challenge

Wowsers! I have my Scrappin’ mojo back!!! I can’t believe how much I have gotten done lately… have been inspired by some awesome sketches and some really awesome paper Smile

So the last Scraptastic Club challenge for February is “dig through your bottles of mists! See what you can come up with! Spritz them, splatter them, you could even paint with them. Use them on a layout, card, project of your choice.” I don’t use mists much on my pages either but they do add a nice and fast “POW” to your page. The mist that I used is Mister Huey’s Custard. It does not show up in the photo very well Sad smile But I had fun with it! I love this layout (which is based on a PageMaps sketch) of the boys hard at work on painting their cars! It is so nice to have  big attached garage to utilize when the weather outside is yucky…plus it is heated so that is an added bonus!


This next LO is for the Sketch Inspiration weekly challenge. Sketch308


  Sketch #308





The paper and embellishments are from Close To My Heart and the stamps are from Technique Tuesday Ali Edwards. The book and glasses stickers are from a previous Scraptastic Club kit. I LOVE this LO. It really shows what we do every day. Finding the joy everyday in the every day tasks is truly what keeps our family together and happy!IMG_1137







Thanks for visiting! Hope you enjoyed a look into our lives Smile

Enjoy the moments.


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

February Scraptastic Club Challenges 1, 2, & 3

Hello my friends! I have finally found time to participate in the Scraptastic Club challenges this month! I am so excited to finally have my scrappin’ groove back Smile

So the first challenge is “to do some fussy cutting of your own to make your own die cuts for your layout, or card”.IMG_1030
  And here is my LO. I Love the fact that Jon and his parents are having just as much fun as the boys….and that I got a picture of Grandma swingingSmile Love you Mom! (forgive me for this?? please!!)
I “fussy cut” the banner for “outside” to sit on. Nothing too fancy but I think it looks cute on the page.

The second challenge “is to use the title from a favorite childrens book as yourIMG_1022 title.” We have so many favorite books that I couldn’t decide which one to use. So I picked out 5 books, then went through my pics…and I found the perfect match!

I love the relationships that my parents have with all of their Grandchildren. Any time we go to visit…no matter what the reason or for how long…I always come back with a TON of pics Smile And I just couldn’t resist taking the pic of my niece Jordyn’s pants… too cute!!

And the third challenge was a sketch challenge. Now this one had me stumped…and I am still not overly excited about the way that my LO came out BUT this challenge did “challenge” me to step out of my comfort zone…which is the point! I really do like the sketch and I have seen wonderful LO’s using hexagons, it is just one of those shapes that I am not comfy using. Guess that means I need to use it more!! HL_Sketch_Template_11
A gorgeous sketch…. and my attempt…IMG_1024
So that is all I have for you for now…HAHA Open-mouthed smile
Enjoy the moments my friends,